Results Without Restriction

Ditch fad diets and achieve your goals the healthy way

Ditch fad diets.

Achieve your goals, the healthy way.

Results Without Restriction

Ditch Fad Diets and achieve your goals the healthy way

As Seen On

As Seen In

95% of diets fail

Because they’re unenjoyable and unsustainable

Our Equalution app will help you to learn to eat according to your unique nutrient targets. So you can still enjoy your favourite foods and achieve the results you crave.

Select your goal to get started

Fat Loss

For those wishing to lose body fat and retain muscle mass.


For those who wish to maintain weight and improve body composition.

Muscle Gain

For those who wish to increase muscle mass.

Real, sustainable results

Over 485,00kgs Lost On Equalution

Before starting I flicked between binging and feeling guilty and restricting and feeling so undernourished. I have built an incredible relationship with food, where I see it as fuel and feel confident to go out to events with my friends and family, track my food and stay accountable. This was a big thing for me as I felt so uncomfortable eating in front of people and feeling guilty. But now I just feel empowered. My favourite meal was 100% the pizza . I still regularly track it in as well as enjoying my dessert EVERY SINGLE DAY. Thanks to the whole team for helping me become the best me.

   – Ally

Before starting Equalution I was constantly struggling with eating the right way. It felt like no matter how hard I tried to “eat healthy” I was just at a loss, mentally and physically. I found Equalution in a matter of weeks I started seeing my measurements drop. Equalution not only changed my body they also helped me shift my entire mindset, they did for me what I tried to do for myself for so many years in months and no amount of words could explain how grateful | am. This is a game changer.

   – Ebony

Equalution couldn’t have come into my life at a more perfect time. I was struggling with lack of energy, low self esteem and really struggling with trying to break the negative food cycle I was in. During the 8 week challenge I learnt so much about nutrition and how to live a balanced life. I can honestly say I have a much more positive relationship with food. I had a fantastic physical transformation, but they mental transformation is truly the highlight.

   – Peta

I have thoroughly enjoyed doing the Equalution Total Mind and Body Challenge and couldn’t be happier with my results. When I signed up for the challenge I was a tired burnout mum and was not prioritising my health or happiness. The variety of food and how simple the recipes were made it easy to stick to and the meal swap option was a game changer for when I wanted/needed to switch out a meal. The food is seriously delicious and my whole family enjoyed the new recipes each week too. I have re-found my love for fitness and eating well and it feels amazing making sure that my needs are being met and are just as important as that of my family.
Thank you Equalution!

   – Tegan

I absolutely loved doing the 8 week challenge! My meal plans were amazing. I actually gained so much knowledge about different foods. The support I received from my coach this whole time was incredible. I couldn’t be happier with the results!

   – Laura

Even after almost 14 years in fitness, I still hadn’t found what worked for me to help me reach my ultimate goals until I came across Equalution. I am currently in week 21 and love it as much as I did in Week 1. If you’re on the fence and need that push to get yourself over the line, take the chance – you won’t regret it!

   – Jordi

Equalution was life changing. I wasn’t able to stick with a food program (not calling it diet) for so long and I have been with Equalution for 45 weeks now. I’m able to enjoy food. I don’t see my nutrition as a diet, but as a lifestyle. I can socialise with my family and friends without feeling guilty.

   – Ana

I am so grateful to have found Equalution it’s been a total game changer for me, as someone who is usually a yo yo dieter to have found something I find totally sustainable is amazing. I haven’t gone without anything, or ever felt restricted in my whole time with Equalution. It has certainly been the easiest and most enjoyable way to loose weight.

   – Sarah

A Balanced Nutrition Plan, Specifically Catered To Your Goals

We are here to provide you with personalised meal plans, all via our easy-to-use app. We take the guesswork out of achieving sustainable results.

Acai Bowl
Acai Bowl
scaled spiced pears
Air Fryer Spiced Pears
Balsamic roast tomatoes
Balsamic Roast Tomatoes
Bang Bang Chicken Noodles
Bang Bang Chicken Noodles
Beef Nachos
Beef Nachos
Berry Protein Pop
Berry Protein Pop
Birria Tacos
Birria Tacos
Acai Bowl
Air Fryer Spiced Pears
Balsamic Roast Tomatoes
Bang Bang Chicken Noodles
Beef Nachos
Berry Protein Pop
Birria Tacos
Chicken Pasta
Chicken Pasta
Goat Cheese Tart
Goat Cheese Tart
Homemade Choc Chip Cookie
Homemade Choc Chip Cookie
Loaded Chicken Gyros
Loaded Chicken Gyros
Mango Tiramisu
Mango Tiramisu
Marry Me Chicken Pasta
Marry Me Chicken Pasta
Massaman Gnocchi
Massaman Gnocchi
Chicken Pasta
Chicken Pasta
Goat Cheese Tart
Homemade Choc Chip Cookie
Loaded Chicken Gyros
Mango Tiramisu
Marry Me Chicken Pasta
Massaman Gnocchi

Have an allergy, medical condition

or dietary preference?

We’ve got you covered. Whether you’re vegan, time poor or have an intolerance, or team of experts will build a meal plan that works for you.

Meet Amal,
Our Co-Founder who lost 30 Kilos!

If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable in your body, wanted to improve your health, or wanted to transform your relationship with your food and are unsure where to begin, you’re not alone.

I’ve been there too. I’ve resorted to fad diets, restricted eating patterns, long periods of depriving myself of my favourite foods and the little joys in life to “fix” my body.

But approaching health and nutrition this way didn’t leave me satisfied or confident. In fact, it had the opposite effect. Until I discovered the power of science-based, flexible nutrition. By adopting a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition, I was able to transform my body and my relationship with it, losing 30 kgs without the need to cut out any of my favourite foods or alter my lifestyle.

Now, I want to help you do the same. I want to empower you with the nutrition knowledge you need to transform your body and mindset.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price of the app? And does the weekly cost reduce the longer the subscription?

Our best value can be found with our longest subscription packages, the prices can be found below

1 month: $69

3 month: $177 ($59 per week)

6 month: $294 ($49 per week)

Can I submit food preferences?

When signing up you are able to submit your taste section, which excludes foods that you do not want on your plan. You can update this weekly to reflect in your new meal plans. Currently, however, the ability to submit food preferences is a part of the Premium service only.

That being said, you will have access to the meal swap feature where you can swap meals to better suit your preferences. This will be in line with the calories and macros of the meal and it’s suitable fit.

I see Equalution has a premium plan, what is the difference with this version?

Our new product includes the self-tracking tool, weekly meal plans and the ability to submit weekly check-in results to track your progress independently. This version of our app is perfect for those who are ready to take a more independent approach to their journey.

It differs from the premium service as you will not have an assigned coach and is 100% self serviced, that will check in with you each week, have the ability to submit food preferences, and answer any questions you have during the week (e.g. meal swaps, dining out, etc).